Top Five Reasons Why You Should Start Recycling Plastic

Top Five Reasons Why You Should Start Recycling Plastic

In the world we know today, Waste Management and plastic recycling have grown to become very important for us. The ever growing amount of waste that is produced by households and industries on a daily basis has severe consequences on our health as well as our environment. Plastic is one of these materials that is widely used but as it is non biodegradable, which makes decomposing very difficult. The landfills around the world are often getting filled with a large amount of plastic materials and products on a daily basis. One easy way through which we can eliminate this problem is by recycling plastic.


Recycling is a very convenient process through which the useful part of an old product can be converted into a whole new product. Recycling is not only used for plastic products but for various other items as well. Recycling can help in saving a lot of space in the landfill because most of the used products are converted into new ones. There are many different versions of plastic available in the market, some can be recycled easily while others cannot be completely recycled, only several portions can be used during the process. 


Here, we will be looking into the top five reasons why you should start recycling plastic or consider in recycling plastic: –


1. By recycling plastic, we can do a part in conserving the environment. 

  • By recycling plastic, we are assisting in preserving animal and plant life
  • Plastic products are very dangerous for animals, birds and marine life. 
  • Many plastic products that are often discarded and dumped in the ocean every year, this can lead to marine animals mistaking plastic products as food or plastic can trap small sea animals, the discard of plastic into the ocean can lead to the death of many aquatic creatures.
  • Land animals sometimes tend to eat plastic bags mixed with decomposed food. 
  • Plastic can not be easily digested by animals, that is why plastic can choke them and eventually lead the animal to suffer a very brutal death.


2. Recycling plastic can reduce carbon dioxide emission into the Ozone Layer

  • Recycling plastic can help in reducing carbon dioxide emissions that are harmful for our health and our environment.
  • Traditional non-biodegradable plastic are generally made with the help of non-renewable fossil fuels that produce a huge quantity of carbon dioxide emissions. 
  • The fossil fuels that are used for manufacturing the plastic products are the biggest source of carbon dioxide emissions and they also create the greenhouse effects. 
  • Burning fossil fuels are a very harmful pollutant that can create various health problems as well as environmental problems in big cities.


3. Recycled Plastic can be Repurposed Innovatively

  • Through need comes innovation and inventiveness, plastic pollution and recycling awareness have brought some excellent ideas for reusing plastic and its products. 
  • Considering plastic is a non-biodegradable waterproof material, it does not have the chance of rotting or catching mould. Ships and decks can be made with toughened plastic to preserve the final products. 
  • Some sportswear and clothing accessories are also woven with plastic within their materials. 
  • Vehicle interiors that are made with recycled plastics can increase the life of the vehicle accessories and seat covers while also actively protecting them from spills, stains, fungus, mould, and smells. 
  • By repurposing and recycling plastic, you can also cut plastic to size, which is useful for sign making. 
  • Often, there are industries such as Tai Hong Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd that receive or purchase recycled plastic in order to repurpose them to create new products.


4. Recycling plastics can Reduce the Size of Landfill

  • As mentioned earlier, it takes plastics many decades to break down completely. It does not matter where the plastic is stored or kept; it will still take a long time to degrade. 
  • By recycling and reusing plastic raw materials and fashioning them into other products, we can effectively reduce plastic space taken up in landfills that can be used for biodegradable materials to save the environment. Even things such as induction hob pans should be recycled.
  • Overfilling landfills could spell disaster as the space is limited and waste is too high in quantity. 
  • Recycling plastic helps keep it out of landfills and also saves the environment.


5. Recycling plastic can Conserve Energy Resources

  • Recycling is an efficient process to help in the conservation of energy resources. 
  • Many resources are used for producing plastic from the virgin materials that is why converting the old products into new ones really helps in saving a huge amount of energy. 
  • Recycling is a process that requires the least amount of resources and energy available.


To conclude, while the growth of technology is taking its leaps and bounds to help us live our life more comfortably, we should never forget that the earth should also be able to sustain this advancement. By recycling plastic, we are playing a role in saving our environment and reducing waste as well as being able to repurpose used and old plastic into new byproducts.